B.E.S.T. & Energy Codes

Christine Parker with Dr. Ted Morter Jr, Niagara Falls NY

Remove the interference standing in your way to better health.

I was first introduced to best B.E.S.T. by Dr. Ted Morter - the son of the developer of the technique, Dr. M.T. Morter, Jr. - when I was at a conference,. He demonstrated the technique with a woman who had been in a car accident 20 years prior. By the end of the demonstration, her VERY limited range of motion in both her shoulders and neck was not only restored, but her pain was gone as well. I simply looked at my friend with goosebumps and tears in my eyes and said, “I need to know how he did that”.
Within the year I became a B.E.S.T Practitioner myself, and for over ten years now I have been helping clients in similar situations.

Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique

The primary goal of B.E.S.T. is to restore the body's innate self-healing abilities. It focuses on identifying and eliminating hidden interferences that hinder the body's natural healing processes, often arising from unrecognized or embedded stress.

Applied kinesiology - also known as muscle testing - is used to locate the stress imbalances in your electromagnetic field. We get the subconscious & conscious brain involved, I hold a couple contact points - kinda like acupressure - it’s different for each client, and each condition. This specific combination for YOUR specific issue that we muscle tested for matches the exact frequency of the stress interference you’re holding. This allows the interference to dissolve, and therefore restore balance again. 

Now, you may still have that stress in your life, but the charge, the effect that it had on you is removed, and therefore you body has no more need for the symptom.

The Energy Codes

I’ll be straight up - it’s a fancy word for breathwork, BUT they’re based on quantum physics, and they enhance mind-body connection - more specifically the communication between the different energy canters, also known as chakras. Chakras play a vital role in physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

And this is a big one, because if one chakra is sluggish, or unbalanced the qualities associated with it are affected. The information and attributes it possesses gets misinterpreted, muted, or exaggerated - not cool when it comes to understanding yourself and how you show up in the world.

So, these conscious breathing exercises are designed to help individuals become more aware of their own energy, release old patterns and live a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

FAQ’s of B.E.S.T.

  • B.E.S.T. integrates the healer within you.

    B.E.S.T. stands for Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique and is a gentle whole-body technique that addresses stress and promotes balance in the body. It helps to re-establish the full healing potential of your body. It is a system that helps address the cause of the issue rather than just symptoms.

    B.E.S.T. is an active healing procedure: when you're consciously involved in letting go of the stress pattern that you are stuck in, you will sustain the benefit of the balancing much longer than if you just lay on the table and expect someone to “fix” you.

    B.E.S.T. also:

    • Removes stress interference which is causing your physical symptoms.

    • Enhances your opportunity to be masterful at your own energy flow so you become a self healing machine all the time.

    • Re-establishes a whole-body connection

    • Gives you tools you can use to take charge of your health.

    • Removes interference from unhealthy beliefs, thought patterns, trauma

  • I’ll say this again: B.E.S.T. integrates the healer within you.

    I want to be clear that this technique does not “fix”, “heal”, or “cure” you - YOUR BODY is the one that does that. And I’m certainly not going to try and outsmart it! I help facilitate and remove interference, so your body can do what it innately knows what to do.
    Once you are balanced with no stress interference, healing will automatically occur as result/byproduct.

    In general, B.E.S.T. can help with anything from pain, coordination, focus, breathing, inflammation, flexibility, energy levels and so much more. The possibilities really are endless. If you allow your body the potential to heal, it will.

    Most of my clients will note that they feel more in their body or clear headed after sessions. I’ve even had some say they feel like a whole new person! How awesome is that?!

    I use B.E.S.T., the principles behind the technique, and all my education to educate you to take more control over how stress affects your body, mind, and soul. I teach you tools so you can begin to integrate them into your daily life and deal with stress as it arises instead of holding onto it.

    For those who want to dive a little deeper and begin to work with subconscious thoughts and beliefs that are blocking your way from achieving your goals, B.E.S.T. can help with that too! We can remove interference from Chakras 1-7, and Chakras 8-12. Give me a call or book an appointment to learn more.

  • By using pressure point-like therapy on key areas of the head and body in specific sequences, we re-establish communication between your brain and body. This removes the stress interference, which activates your body’s innate intelligence to heal itself. Clinical experience has shown that your body will begin to repair and rebuild. By utilizing this process, we can learn to maintain this balance in the long term.

    In the very simplest terms: Think of your brain like a smartphone; B.E.S.T. is the reboot and clears all the background apps, so your phone (body & mind) works more efficiently.

  • Short answer: Your glutes will be less painful when I dig my elbow into them 😉 And, your body will be better prepared to heal itself after the massage.

    Longer answer: We all stress, and some of us manage it better than others. This stress builds up in our bodies (aka stuck energy) affecting one or more of the many systems we have (Musculoskeletal, Endocrine, Respiratory, Nervous, etc) and then it creates physical symptoms; muscle tension, pain, tendonitis, headaches, upset digestion, anxiety, fatigue, etc

    Example: Muscle tension is controlled by your subconscious brain, so when you’re stuck in a Fight or Flight nervous response, you cannot consciously relax those muscles – believe me, I’ve tried! Many of us have…

    By doing B.E.S.T. we can directly engage the Autonomic Nervous System (subcon brain) and remove the stress pattern of interference causing the (unnecessary) muscle tension. And BAM! the muscles relax.

    Conclusion: It enables you to be in a more relaxed state, leading to a more effective treatment with longer lasting results.

    However, if you did a crazy heavy leg day at the gym and can barely walk the next day – the workout is typically the reason for your pain. But B.E.S.T. can help with that too 😉

  • Whether having a treatment in conjunction with a massage or on it’s own the procedure is the same, With remote sessions I do the muscle testing for you.

    Using muscle testing, I learn where the interference (aka stress) in your body is coming from. I will palpate specific pressure points on various areas of your body and wait for the two points to synchronize with each other (meaning your brain is properly communicating with the left & right sides of your body). I then muscle test again to confirm your conscious & subconscious are no longer affected by that specific stress.

    This process is repeated until there are no more issues in priority, meaning, your body is optimally balanced and working at peak potential for healing to occur.

    Treatments can take anywhere from 4-25 min. An average treatment takes 15-20 min.

    During your session time we also review goals, exercises, and homecare.

  • Typically recovering from an injury will require several sessions over a shorter period of time, whereas general wellness can be anything from monthly to an as-needed basis. Like any therapy, the number of treatments you’ll need can depend on several factors:

    • Starting Point: 23 y/o varsity athlete vs 65 y/o sedentary person

    • Treatment Goals: General wellness, injury recovery, increase athletic performance

    • Willingness to Learn & Grow: Open to new concepts and ideas

    • Consistency with Building Habits: Discipline with recommended homecare

    • Your current ability to handle stress: The principles of B.E.S.T. can greatly improve this

    • Body Response: Amount of progress per session, Reactivation of symptoms

    • The Six Essentials: Level of integration with them. Click here to learn more

    We’ll create a treatment plan with which you’ll be happy. Whether it's monthly, an as-needed basis or it's multiple times a week for injury recovery.

  • YES! Energy is energy no matter your location.
    Think of it like Wi-Fi – except my signal isn’t affected by bad weather ;)

    A remote session is the same as an in-person one except I do the muscle testing for you. You can sit comfortably in your favourite chair or even lay down.

    All my colleagues are in other cities and around the world, so it is how we treat each other.

    My booking system (Jane) will email you a link before your appointment. Nothing to download, it’s secure and confidential.

    Choose a time and place such that you won’t be interrupted.

    Remote sessions are great if:

    You are physically unable to come to my office (ie bed ridden due to a concussion or mobility)

    There are multiple family members needing treatments – less waiting around

    Athletes away at tournaments & competitions

    You live in another city or country

    You just prefer it

  • Yes. But also no…

    Up until recently I only used B.E.S.T. within my RMT Scope of Practice. Remote sessions and some aspects of B.E.S.T. (which I have recently been Certified in) falls outside of an RMT’s Scope of Practice.

    After discussing your goals, priorities of treatment, we determine how to proceed, and I either stay within the SoP or bill separately for any time spent using other techniques.

    When I treat remotely, using Spiritual or Emotional B.E.S.T., or when we get into synchronizing goals, releasing false beliefs, or resolving past experiences – that’s when I bill separately. I still maintain professionalism and am covered for any liability.

    It’s similar to billing for Level I or II Reiki – Level I is covered under our Scope; Level II is not.